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10 Social Post Ideas - For Introverted Business Owners

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

You don't have to be an introvert to feel a bit uncomfortable when selling your business, or product, online. Some of us just like to keep our private lives exactly that, PRIVATE. And for a very good reason. BUT, in order to keep up in this digital age, we have to show up online and use these tools to our advantage.

Using Social Media Marketing for your small business can be overwhelming, even on the best of days. Here are some practical content ideas to save time and connect with your ideal client, without feeling that you share too much of your personal life ;)
10 Social Media Post Ideas That Will Connect With Your Tribe

Day 1:

Introduce (or re-introduce) yourself. Tell your audience a little bit about why you started your business, what your passions are, and maybe share a fun fact that they most probably don’t know about you (optional).

Pro tip: post a photo of yourself. (Yes, I know you might cringe when considering this, but people need to connect with a face, not just a screen. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it too often)

Day 2:

Tell your audience who or what inspires you; be authentic.

Day 3:

Share the best piece of advice you have ever been given. You can also use a quote as inspiration.

Day 4:

Share a business tip. Something that you know will add value to your tribe/followers.

Day 5:

Share what you have been working on the past week or past few days. It can be shared in your Facebook or Instagram stories if you don’t want to post to your feed. Consider posting a series of photographs of your process.

Day 6:

Behind the scenes. Give them a peek into your daily life. (Business-wise). *Pro Tip: You can use time-lapsed video footage. Add some music.

Day 7:

Share the most popular service that your business offers. If you have a product-based business, share the most popular product of the month with a well-photographed photo.

Day 8:

Invite your audience to ask you anything related to your business/field. (You can use stickers in Stories for this one.)

Day 9:

Recommend a fellow small business to your audience. Use @mentions or tag them in your post or story.

Day 10:

Offer a freebie / a free online consultation for a limited time or limited amount of people.

**PS: Let me know if this was valuable to you?

***PPS: If you would like to know how to finally crack the code to successful Social Media for your small business, without breaking the bank, click here and join my Instagram Masterclass. (Especially if you are overwhelmed and over 40 :)

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